The First Generation
Date Owner Player Action
25.05.2021 16:38 rpg2_FlasH. rpg2_FlasH. Left the clan
24.05.2021 14:42 [AIM]Kuzan [AIM]Kuzan Left the clan
23.05.2021 23:23 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul rpg2_Manelino Got rank 3
23.05.2021 23:22 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul GradZEW.eXe. Got rank 2
23.05.2021 23:21 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul rpg2_Krome Got rank 3
21.05.2021 18:53 rpg2_Rollen BeyondOwnRLT Joined the clan
21.05.2021 13:00 [TFG]Maxximusss rpg2_FlasH. Joined the clan
20.05.2021 22:52 Fabiana [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul Promoted to clan owner
20.05.2021 22:46 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul Fabiana Promoted to clan owner
20.05.2021 22:40 [TFG]Maxximusss [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul Promoted to clan owner
20.05.2021 22:36 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul rpg2_Horica_5 Left the clan
20.05.2021 21:44 [TFG]Maxximusss dmK.PASSATB6 Received ClanWarn
20.05.2021 00:00 sgplbz sgplbz Left the clan
19.05.2021 23:47 [TFG]Maxximusss [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul Got rank 1
19.05.2021 23:47 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul [TFG]Maxximusss Promoted to clan owner